Thursday, December 27, 2012

Can You Say "Ninety Thousand Words?" Sure, I Knew You Could

Hard work over Christmas when everyone else was hanging mistletoe and drinking egg nog has gotten the rough draft of For Honor We Stand to a few hundred words shy of the 90,000 mark.  Things are coming nicely and we have a clear idea about where we are going with the rest of the book, so it's not like you or we have to worry that we're going to hit some huge dry spell for a month where we don't know what to do next. 

So, we still expect to release around January 21.  If it is ready sooner, we will release sooner. 

As we continue to write and read correspondence from fans (that's really, really cool by the way) and watch the development of this story line and these characters on the page and in our minds, we think that this project is looking more and more like a series of trilogies.  Our storytelling style seems to lend itself to detailed narratives of fairly brief periods of time, so we are thinking that each trilogy will cover a fairly short period--a few months or so--but be separated from one another by longer periods so that we can advance the larger story arc of the progress of the war against the Krag by reasonable increments. 

But, this is still sort of fuzzy right now.  We tend to make these people and their ship and their situation very real in our minds and then let the story and the people go where they "want" to go.  We think that this is where they are going to take us, but we aren't quite sure yet. 

I will keep you up to date in this space as we get closer to publication.

I can let you in on a little secret.  Until now, you have never met a commissioned officer in the Union Navy whom you are likely to actively dislike.  You are about to.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Please accept my best wishes for a happy new year.  Hang in there, people. 

Per laboram ad victoriam. 


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