Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Law Firm Succeeding

It has been a long time since the last update, but I wanted to note for this forum that the new firm has been succeeding beyond my expectations. Between clients who followed me from the old firm, referrals from other attorneys, and folks who found me by means that I still do not understand, we were well-supplied with business from the very beginning and had our first month's fixed expenses covered within the first ten days of operation.

Since then, our base of clients has continued to grow such that we are fortunate enough to be able to be selective about whom we accept as clients. Even in the current economic downturn, we continue to receive a steady flow of new consultations and referrals, as well as flourishing in the conduct of matters for our current clients.

We have even expanded in a humble way, adding a part time Legal Assistant to our staff.

The balance of the practice continues to be as I initially anticipated, split about evenly between family law and general civil litigation. If we can be of assistance to you, I encourage you to call my office at (928) 453-3115, to email me at, and to visit our web site at