Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Frustration Unbearable . . . Must . . . Write

We thought we would take a little more time off and do some more reading and research, but isn't going to happen.  We've been edgy, irritable, absent-minded, not sleeping well, and haven't been able to put our fingers on the reason.  Then, miraculously, it occurred to us--we're not writing.  We've been writing continuously for six months, enjoying the hell out of it, and suddenly stopped for a few weeks.  Our brain can't take it.  It needs the stimulation of being in the year 2315, standing in CIC right behind the Command Station, watching what Max and the rest of the gang do in the next crisis in the lives of the crew of the USS Cumberland.

Having created that universe and populated it with interesting people and races, we have found that we are supposed to spend at least some of our day there every day.  So, we've cleared our calendars ahead of schedule and will begin writing of Brothers in Valor, the concluding volume of the "Man of War" Trilogy tomorrow.  We still have some reading and research we want to do, so we'll probably split our time between writing and those activities, instead of writing 10 to 18 hours a day as we did for the first two books. 

Strange, how this activity of which we never thought we were capable has so quickly become such an integral part of our lives that we find ourselves miserable if we aren't doing it. 

There's also the beginning of the germ of an idea for another series, set in the same universe, beginning in the year 2034, telling the story of the formation of the United Earth Space Force in the face of the emergency posed by the Ning-Braha's occupation of the moon, followed by the acquisition of stardrive technology as a result of the war and Man's first tentative steps into interstellar space.  But, don't worry, we have no intention of writing that until we have finished this next book and probably not until we are done with the next trilogy of Robichaux/Sahin novels. 

In other news, we're under some pressure to start tweeting.  I'm very ambivalent about the idea.  I mean, who cares what I have to say in 140 characters or less?  The people who write about how us independent authors are supposed to promote our work all say that we should tweet.  We'll think about it.


jh85 said...

Well I would follow you, but then I also follow you and Laura jo on facebook. We like hearing interesting things like 'uh oh don't know how Max will get out of this one' or if a certain doctor and a certain neice of a certain Arabic planets king are getting to know one another better.

jh85 said...

Well I would follow you, but then I also follow you and Laura jo on facebook. We like hearing interesting things like 'uh oh don't know how Max will get out of this one' or if a certain doctor and a certain neice of a certain Arabic planets king are getting to know one another better.