Monday, November 5, 2012


Well, folks, it's here. My first novel, To Honor You Call Us, just went live as an Amazon Kindle e-Book last night. It should be available as a Barnes & Noble Nook e-Book in a day or two, and as an Amazon/Createspace print on demand paperback within a day or two after that. I'm very excited and, yes, nervous about this offering. I started out to write a sort of generic "Space Opera" shoot-em up that just happened to be more scientifically and militarily valid than most books in this genre. What I wound up doing was investing a great deal of my heart and soul and humanity in this thing, giving my characters complex back stories, psychological conflicts, and nuanced motivations.  Of course, I stuck to my guns about writing something that made a reasonable amount of sense from a scientific and tactical perspective. 

There's still lots of action with several exciting space battles, but the book turned out to be more about the people than the maneuvers and the hardware. I hope people like it.  

Here is the link to where to buy the e-Book on Amazon. 

Sales are actually off to a reasonably good start, considering that I am an unknown author publishing in a very crowded genre.   

If you read the book and would like to comment on it, this is a good place to do so.  I am going to create a Facebook page separate from my personal one for my activities as a writer.  When I get that set up, I’ll post the URL here.


1 comment:

Tara Li said...

Oh, come on! That field's not crowded! Paranormal Romance - now *THAT* is a crowded field!