Thursday, April 11, 2013

Twitter? I guess so.

I've caved in to the overwhelming social and media pressure to start tweeting.  Whether I will have anything worthy to say in 140 characters or less and whether anyone will want to read those same 140 characters remains to be seen.  But, let it not be said that I am doing what I am supposed to do to promote myself, particularly now that I've actually received the contract from 47North and will be actually signing within the next few days. 

You can follow me at:

I'll try to make it fun.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

"TWITTER?? I don't even KNOW her!"

Sorry, couldn't resist. I understand your reluctance to join - I'm not on Facebook or Twitter or Myspace or any social media other than Google+ which to date has not caused any ill effects. I am neither published nor with a pending contract however I may join to read what you have to say.